Culturally Composite Elites, Regime Changes and Social
Crises in Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Confessional Eastern Europe. (The Carpathian
Basin and the Baltics in Comparison - cc. 1900-1950). |
Research Council |
FP7 -
230518 elites08 |
Leader of the project:
Gyozo Victor Karady |
(Partner: Peter Tibor Nagy) |
project is multi-disciplinary by character. It focuses upon socio-historical
processes of the transformation and 'circulation' of educated and ruling
elites in several uniquely composite (both multi-ethnic and
multi-confessional) East European regional or national societies, having
experienced a number of radical changes of social and political regime as
well as state souvereignty in the first half of the 20th century. The
historical scope of the study extends from post-feudalism to communism. Societies
involved comprise Hungary, Slovakia, Transylvania, Voivodina in the
Carpathian Basin, Latvia and Estonia in the Baltics. The study draws upon
sociological survey methods applied to historically successive elite brackets
in form of exhaustive or quasi-exhaustive computerized prosopographical data
banks, based on standardized individual biographies of elite members (as
permitted by mostly archival sources to be exploited). The main targets would
include secondary school graduates, students and graduates of higher
education, the main intellectual professions (like doctors and lawyers.), the
political power elites as well as 'reputational elites' - those cited in
biographical dictionaries. The information fed into our data banks help to
clarify thanks to various procedures of multi-variate statistical schemes the
contrasting socio-cultural selection and recruitment of elite members, their
educational path from primary to higher education, their professional career,
intellectual creativity as well as socio-political standing and orientation.
This is the first time that large region- or country-wide elite clusters are
submitted to systematic socio-historical analyses, covering simultaneously
all or most markets of activity and self-assertion of educated clusters in a
vast international and comparative perspective related to culturally
composite societal formations. |
1/1/2009 End:
12/31/2011 |
Partners: |
Central European University | |
Egyetem | |
Research Center for the Sociology of Church and Religion | |
Wesley Egyház-
és Vallásszociológiai Kutatóközpont (WESZ) | |
Final report | |