reference: ERC-2008-AdG
Agreement number: 230518
acronym: ELITES08
Investigator's name: Prof. Victor Gyozo Karady
title: ‘Culturally Composite Elites, Regime
Changes and Social Crises in Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Confessional
starting date: January 1, 2009
report: 1st □ 2nd X
3rd □ 4th □ 5th □
6th □ 7th □ 8th □ 9th
covered: from July 1, 2010 to March 31, 2012
Institution and Contact person: Kozep-europai Egyetem/Vanda Mohacsi
+36 1 327 3000
+36 1 328 3414
website address:
Declaration of honour
the undersigned, declare on our honour that: §
To our best
knowledge, the attached Financial Report represents a realistic estimate of
the work carried out for this project and reflects an appropriate use of
financial resources for this reporting period; §
The project (tick
as appropriate): X has fully
achieved its objectives and technical goals for the period; □
has achieved most
of its objectives and technical goals for the period with relatively minor
deviations; □ has failed to achieve critical objectives and/or is not at
all on schedule. §
{In case the Grant
Agreement contains special clauses 14, 15 and/or 16 and the research is
subject to renewal or extension of favourable opinion(s) from the relevant
ethics committee and, if applicable, regulatory approval(s) of the competent
national or local authorities,} We confirm that: X Authorisations/opinions are still valid and/or renewals
are not needed □ Necessary steps have been taken to ensure renewals in time
and send copies to ERCEA[1] |
For the Host Institution[2]:
Liviu Matei Date: ............/
The Principal Investigator: Victor
Gyozo Karady Date: ............/
............/............ Signature:
……………………………………………………………………... |
1) Management of the relation between the Principal Investigator and
the Host Institution
The Principal Investigator is a full Professor at Kozep-europai Egyetem and had a part-time contract with the host institution for teaching and research tasks assigned covering the duration of the project and reaching beyond. For the duration of the project his contract with the host has been amended to include project responsibilities. The type and arrangement of his contract reflects his French pensioner status in line with Hungarian legislation in terms of taxation and social security payments.
The Principal Investigator has received no extra remuneration form the project, in line with institutional policies. No funding for his salary costs was requested from ERC.
The provisions of the supplementary agreement have been respected.
2) Administrative support provided by the Host Institution
The Host Institution provided the Principal Investigator with the following support over the duration of the project:
- macro/micro grant management via the Academic Cooperation and Research Support Office
- micro management of the grant via the Department of History
- human resources assistance via the Human Resources Office
- financial assistance via the Budget and Finance Office
The PI has had access to office, workstations, computer, phone, Internet, photocopying, library and space/room/venue for his project meetings
3) Budget plan and costs incurred
Plan |
Costs incurred |
Deviation |
Personnel |
414,024.00 |
453,314.23 |
39,290.23 |
Subcontracting |
210,000.00 |
211,149.00 |
1,149.00 |
Equipment |
10,000.00 |
6,036.27 |
-3,963.73 |
Consumables |
4,000.00 |
2,266.10 |
-1,733.90 |
Travel |
10,000.00 |
2,569.89 |
-7,430.11 |
Publication |
30,000.00 |
0.00 |
-30,000.00 |
Other |
0.00 |
228.73 |
228.73 |
Overhead |
93,604.80 |
92,883.04 |
-721.76 |
Total |
771,628.80 |
768,447.26 |
-3,181.54 |
Explanation of costs
Personnel costs
Data collection and elaboration, preparing statistical combinations, building databases, translating, senior colleagues coordinating the different working groups in Hungary and abroad and drafting reports and material for publications.
Data collection and elaboration, statistical combinations, building data bases, analysis of data, printing preparation costs.
When contracting partners to carry out part of the work – as per task type described above - we have followed the procedural requirements of transparency, equal treatment and best value for money. We have requested 3 price quotes at least as a rule, in some cases four, when necessary to respect institutional rules as well. Over the duration of the project we have returned to companies who have performed well beforehand and/or continued a well established working relationship, so extension of contracts has also occurred.
Simple laptops/netbooks, hard disk drives, cameras have been
purchased for solely data collection and safe data storage and backup purposes.
Because much of the work has been carried out in archives and libraries in
We reported small recurring consumables related to mass data collection such as USB drives, cords, floppies, etc., which should not be considered as of normal office supplies but tools directly supporting the realization of project related tasks.
Comparatively little money was spent for travelling of team members
as research trips and visits were paid from other sources. Foreign partners’
short trips to
Publication costs were reported under subcontracting or personnel in technical format. Under the former printing preparation costs, while under the latter translation costs were incurred.
In this category we reported archives- and library-related costs such as photocopying, entry fees, tickets, passes and the like.
Significant deviation:
Personnel vs. publications
As part of the amendment requested at the end of the project we have requested the reallocation of publication costs to personnel. Publication costs have been incurred as subcontracting and personnel costs in technical format, therefore under publications.
4) Reallocation of costs
The duration of the project has been extended by three months. Along with the amendment concerning the extra months, we have requested and been granted the possibility to reallocate some costs between categories as it seemed reasonable. Please, see documentation of the amendment for details.
5) Adjustment
An adjustment Form C is submitted along with the Form C for Period 2. In this adjustment we indicate the sum of interest generated on pre-financing in the Period 1, which - due to a technical mistake - has not been reported before.
6) Recommendations
There were no recommendations from audits or technical reviews.
7) Legal status
The legal status of the Host Institution has not changed.
A global overview of the project's implementation for the reporting
period, problems including delay, cancellation, postponement of activities/work
tasks and their solution
During the last period of our Project we could realize all the
research objectives – even somewhat beyond those planned in the application -,
but we are still much behind schedule with the publications planned. This is
due to the length and the unexpected complexities of the statistical data
elaboration and analysis, especially in the larger part of the project
For the two Baltic
societies full fledged reports could be realised based on the vast collection
of prosopographical data on students of the
- pupils of the graduating classes of secondary education (1850-1919) and a large sample of the same in post Trianon Hungary (1919-1949) together with pupils of the 1st classes in the same institution for a number of sample years (since 1860 to 1945-46),
- students and graduates (including Catholic Theology) of the
- students and graduates of the
- students and graduates of the new Hungarian universities in
- students and graduates of all the vocational academies in
- students from
- additionally (for the comparative study of students from the
Voivodina) large samples of students in the medical and law faculties of
- additionally and for purposes of comparison, some large prosopographical data banks on selected elite clusters in Hungary, like members of freemason lodges (cc. 1860-1930), those of the ‘Vitéz’ Order (1921-1939), fellows of the Romanian-Hungarian Gojdu Foundation (1871-1918), etc. as well as some student bodies in periods outside the chronological scope of our Project (students from Hungary in universities of the Austrian and the German Empire – 1890-1850, or medical graduates of the University of Budapest – 1770-1850).
List of publications, papers
Bibliography :
Victor Karady, « Elitenbildung im multiethnischen und
multikonfessionellen Nationalstaat: Ungarn in der Doppelmonarchie (1867–1918)»
in Karsten Holste, Dietlind Hüchtker, Michael G. Müller (Hg.), "Aufsteigen"
und "Obenbleiben" in europäischen Gesellschaften des 19.
Jahrhunderts. Akteure - Arenen - Aushandlungsprozesse, Berlin, 2009, 47-66.
Victor Karady, (with Peter Tibor Nagy), ed., Educational
Inequalities in Transylvania, a Data Base,
Victor Karady, „Introduction. Religious Status as a Source of Educational
Differentials in a Multi-Ethnic Society”, in Educational
Inequalities in Transylvania, a Data Base, edited with
Peter Tibor Nagy. Budapest, John Wesley College, 2009, 9-80.
Victor Karady,“A névmagyarositások társadalomtörténeti
összefüggései”, Névváltoztatás – társadalom – történelem. Családnév
változtatás történetei időben, térben, társadalomban, /Socio-historical
aspects of the Magyarization of surnames/, szerk. (ed. by) Kozma István és
Farkas Tamás, Budapest, Gondolat, 2009, 40-54.
Karady, « Historical
Studies of Elite Groups in the Age of Computer Science : the Case of
Post-Feudal Hungary », East Central Europe/ECE, vol. 35, 2009, part
1-2, 279-295.
Victor Karady, « L’émergence d’un espace européen
de connaissances sur l’homme en société. Cadres institutionnels et
démographiques », in L’espace
intellectuel en Europe, sous la direction de Gisele Sapiro, Paris, Editions
de la Découverte, 2009, pp. 43-67.
Victor Karady, « A budapesti zsidó
polgárság », /Jewry in
Victor Karady,« A vidéki
zsidóság »,/Jewry in the provinces/, in Hágár országa. A magyarországi
zsidóság – történelem, közösség, kultúra, /The country of Hagar. Hungarian
Jewry – history, community, culture/, szerk. /ed. by/ Szalai Anna. Budapest, Kossuth, 2009,
Victor Karady,
« Pérégrinations contraintes et migrations stratégiques. Les cadres
socio-historiques de la fuite des cerveaux de l’Autre Europe
(1890-1940) », in Étudiants de l’exil. Migrations internationales et
universités refuges (XVIe-Xxe s.), textes réunis par Caroline Barréra et
Patric Ferté. Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2009, 119-132.
(Collection Tempus contemporaine).
Karady, “The General Research on the ‘educated elites’ in presocialist Hungary
- 1867-1948. Problems,
approaches, sources”, in A. Iu. Andreev (ed.), Russian in spirit and
European by education. Russian universities in the educational area of Central
Victor Karady, « La noblesse estudiantine de
Hongrie pendant le long 19e siècle : pérégrinations à l’étranger et choix
d’études », in Parcours d’une sociologue, figures d’un engagement. De la
sociologie des élites à la transmission des savoirs. Hommage à Monique de
Saint-Martin, édité par M.D. Gheorghiu, Pascale Gruson, Daniella Rocha. Iasi,
Editura Universitâtii « Alexandra Ioan Cuza », 2009, 120-132.
Karady, “Társadalmunk modernizációs dinamikája a kései dualizmus regionális
rétegstatisztikái szerint” /The modernization dynamics of Hungary following
stratification data of the klate Dualist period/, in Lukács a mi munkatársunk, A WJLF tisztelgő kötete
Lukács Péter 60 születésnapjára. /Lukács, our collaborator in honour of the
60th anniversary of Peter Lukács/, Szerk./ed. by/ Majsai Tamás, Nagy Péter
Tibor. Budapest, Wesley János Lelkészképző főiskola, 2010, 137-151.
Victor Karady, “Education and Denominations
in Transdanubia”, in Friars, Nobles and Burghers – Sermons, Images and Prints.
Studies of Culture and Society in Early Modern
Victor Karady, « Les Juifs de l’est européen et
la politique d’accueil des étudiants étrangers en France sous la III. République »,The
International Journal of Jewish Education Research, nb. 2, Summer, 2010. Tel Aviv, Bar Ilan
Victor Karady, „Die Intelligenz in Ungarn”, in Die
Habsburgermonarchie 1848-1918, vol. IX. Soziale Strukturen, I. Teil,
Teilband 2, Hrsg. Helmut Rumpler, Peter Urbanitsch. Wien, Verlag der
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2010, 1091-1117.
Victor Karady, „A
‚demokratizálódás’ kérdése az értelmiség újratermelésében 1945 előtt és után a
beiskolázási statisztikák tanúsága szerint“, in Emlékkönyv L. Nagy Zsuzsa
80. születésnapjára, /Festschrift for the 80th anniversary of L. Zsuzsa
Nagy/, Debrecen, 2010, 123-134.
Victor Karady,La formation des
elites cultivées dans la périphérie center-orientale
de l’Europe, de l’apres-féodalisme au communisme (1900-1950). Construction d’un
(vaste) objet de recherche, in Majsai (ed.), Hommage à Péter Várdy,
Budapest, Wesley János Lelkészképző Akadémia, 2011, 39-58.
Victor Karady, « Minorités
migrantes dans la Hongrie moderne (jusqu’à la chute de l’Etat
historique) », Cahiers d’Études Hongroises et Finlandaises (Paris,
L’Harmattan), 17/2011, pp. 83-94.
Karady, “A numerus clausus és az egyetemi
piac. Társadalomtörténeti esszé, /The numerus clausus and the academic market
place, an essay in social history/, ” in Jogfosztás - 90 éve. Tanulmányok a
numerus claususról, /Disenfranchisement – 90 years ago. Studies on the numerus
clausus/, Szerk. (ed.) Molnár
Judit, Budapest, Nonprofit Társadalomkutató Egyesület, 2011, pp. 181-195.
Victor Karady, “Az értelmiség
magyarosodása a dualizmus alatt”, /Magyarization of our intelligentsia in the
Dualist Era/, in Nyisd meg szád a néma helyett. I. Köszöntő könyv
Iványi Gábor 60. születésnapjára. /Open your mouth
instead of the voiceless, a book of tribute for the 60th anniversary
of Gábor Iványi/, Szerk. (Edited by) : Bánlaky Pál, Bukovics István, Lukács
Péter, Majsai Tamás. Budapest: Wesley János Lelkészképző Főiskola, Theológus és
Lelkész Szak. ([Sorozatcím /Collection/:] Wesley Jubileumi Kötetek. 8/a.) 2011,
Victor Karady,
« Les Allemands dans l’intelligentsia moderne émergeante en Hongrie à
l’époque de la Double Monarchie », Austriaca, 2012, 1, 193-221.
Karady, “Introduction” in
Victor Karady, Peter Tibor Nagy (ed.), The numerus clausus in
Karady, “The numerus
clausus and the Transformation of the Student Body”, in Victor Karady,
Peter Tibor Nagy, (ed.), The numerus clausus in
Victor Karady, “The Social
Conversion of the Nobility in Modern Hungary, as Exemplified in Distinctive
Student Peregrinations Abroad”, Groningen, Peeters, 2012,
forthcoming. (Groningen Studies in Cultural Change).
Victor Karady, « L’accueil promu puis perturbé. Les
étudiants juifs de l’est européen dans les universités de la 3e
République », in Etudian(e)s du
monde en mouvement. Migrations, cosmopolitisme et internationales étudiantes,
sous la direction de Caroline Rolland-Diamond et Robi Morder, Paris, Editions
Syllepse, 2012.
Victor Karady, « Universities and nation
states », in Le Università e l¹Unità
d¹Italia, a cura di Alessandra Ferraresi – Elisa Signori, Bologna, CLUEB,
2012, forthcoming. ('Studi', 16)
Victor Karady, « Remarques à propos de la
‘circulation des élites’ dans l’Autre Europe », in La mobilité
des élites : reconversions et circulation internationale. Bilans et
réflexions sur les possibilités de recherches comparatives Nord – Sud et
Est-Ouest, sous la direction de Mihai Gheorghiu.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Utak felfelé. Oktatás és társadalmi mobilitás a 19-20.
századi Magyarországon. /Schooling and social mobility in Hungary in the 19th
and 20th century/, (Társadalom és oktatás; 35.) Bp., Oktatáskutató
Intézet, Új Mandátum, 2010. 209 p. ISBN 9789632870182
Nagy Péter Tibor: A növekvő állam árnyékában. Oktatás, politika 1867-1945. /In the
shadow of the growing state. Schooling and politics 1867-1945/, Gondolat kiadó,
Budapest 2011. Neveléstudomány történeti tanulmányok. 494 p. ISBN 9789636933265
Nagy Péter Tibor: Oktatás –történet, -szociológia. /Education, history, ociology/,
Gondolat kiadó, Budapest, 2012. Iskolakultura könyvek 44. 146 p. ISBN
Nagy Péter Tibor (ed.) : Az 1929-ben kiadott Magyar Zsidó Lexikon személysoros
adatbázisa. /Digitalized prosopographical data base of the Hungarian Jewish
Encyclopedia/, Wesley János Lelkészképző Főiskola, Budapest 2011, 263.p. ISBN
Nagy Péter Tibor (szerk. ed.): National census - Hungary 1930,
Budapest, 2010
Nagy Péter Tibor (szerk. ed.): Educatio, 2009. 1. sz Felsőoktatás és
tudománypolitika (Polónyi Istvánnal)
Nagy Péter Tibor: (szerk. ed. Majsai Tamással) Lukács, a mi munkatársunk, /Lukács, our
collaborator/, WJLF Bp, 2009.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Történészdiplomások a
két világháború között, /History graduates in inter-war Hungary/, In: Magyar
Tudomány, 2009. (170. évf.), 2. sz., 143-152.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Dinamikus,
perszonalizált kategóriák. A dualizmuskori nemzetiségi oktatás elemzésének
esete. / Dynamic personalized categories. The case of the study of the
education of national minorities in the Dual Monarchy/, in: Kié az oktatáskutatás? Tanulmányok Kozma
Tamás 70. születésnapjára, Szerk. (ed.): Pusztai Gabrialla – Rébay
Magdolna, Csokonai Könyvkiadó, Debrecen, 2009 75-85.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Educated elites and
the Transsylvanian university (1872-1918) In: Tudásjavak áramlása a közép-kelet-európai régióban a rendszerváltást
követően Szerk Tibori Tímea Magyar Szociológiai Társaság Belvedere
Meridionale, Budapest-Szeged 2009.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Religous
education and childhood in Hungary (1949-1960) in: Kindheit-Schule-Erziehungswissenschaft in Mitteleuropa 1948-2008.
Szerk Johanna Hopfner/András Németh/ Éva Szabolcs- Peter Lang. Frankfurt am
Main, 2009 33-46.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Egységesülő képzés – differenciált
tanártársadalom, /Schooling in the stage of unification and the fragmentation
of the teacher’s corps/, in: Educatio 2009. (18. évf.), 3. sz.,
Nagy Péter Tibor: Pártok az oktatáspolitika
erőterében. Az egyház-állam viszony esete. /The parties in the space of forces
of educational policy. The case of the relationship between state and church/, in Educatio
2009. (18. évf.), 3. sz., 447-460.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Az iskolai mobilitás
vizsgálatához. /The study of educational mobilty/, Új pedagógiai szemle, 2009. (59. évf.) 10. sz. 26-35.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Vannak-e pedagógusok? /Are
there teachers ?/, in: Lukács a mi
munkatársunk, szerk Majsai Tamás és Nagy Péter Tibor, WJLF, Bp 2009)
Nagy Péter Tibor: Szelekció és önszelekció a
felsőoktatásba vezető úton. /Selection and self-selection on
the road to higher education/, in: Csak
hogy a szegényekről megemlékezzünk, szerk Majsai Tamás WJLF 2009. 146-170.
Nagy Péter Tibor: A „felnőttérettségizettek” az
empirikus oktatástörténeti elemzés mérlegén. /Adult graduates of secondary
education on the balance sheet of empirical historical research/, Tanulmányok a neveléstudomány köréből. A
megújuló felnőttképzés .
Szerk Zrinszky László, Gondolat kiadó Budapest 2009, 194-233.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Vannak-e fiatalok?
Vallásszociológiai lehetőségek a fiatalság meghatározásához, /Are there young
people. Possibilities to define youth in terms of the sociology of religion/, in:
Educatio 2010. (19. évf.), 2. sz.,
Nagy Péter Tibor: The level of education and its
factors of the Hungarian Handicapped in the second half of the twentieth century , in: Attila Nobik/Bela Pukánszky (Hrsg.) Normalitat, Abnormalität
und Devianz. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2010. Erziehung in Wissenschaft und Praxis.
Band 7. 125-138.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Education and religiosity in
Budapest at the Millenium. Social
compass. International review of sociology of religion 2010. 1. sz (57.
évf) 60-82.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Egy ortodox zsidó közösség a helyi
társadalomban, /An orthodox Jewish community in the local society/, Iskolakultura, 2010. (20. évf.) 7-8.
sz. 84-94.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Egy ortodox zsidó közösség a
helyi társadalomban /An orthodox Jewish community in the local society/in: „Ma harcot kell vívni, politizálni kell”,
Szerk Majsai Tamás, WJLF, 2010 130-143.
Nagy Péter Tibor: A felsőfokú végzettségűek
státus-inkonzisztenciája, /Status inconsistency of graduates of higher
education/, Educatio, 2010. 3. sz.
Nagy Péter Tibor: A Magyar Zsidó Lexikon digitalizációja. Beszélgetés. /The
digitalisation of the Hungarian Jewish encyclopedia. An interview/, by Anna
Troján, Múlt és Jövő, 2010 4. sz.
Nagy Péter Tibor: The Level of Education and
Religiosity in Budapest. In: Tilalomfák
ellenében. Köszöntő könyv Várdy Péter 75. születésnapjára. Szerkesztette
Majsai Tamás, WJLF Budapest 2010 117-148.
Nagy Péter Tibor: A professzionalizációs
folyamatok történetének kutatása a 2000-es években, /The historical study of
processes of professionalisation in the years 2000s/, Iskolakultúra, 2011. (21. évf.) 1. sz. 3-8.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Az oktatásról szóló tudomány
kettős nyitottsága. /The dual openness of scholarship related to education/, Magyar tudomány, 2011. (172.
évf.) 9. sz. 1077-1089.
Nagy Péter Tibor: A numerus clausus és a
bölcsészdiplomások. In: Jogfosztás – 90
éve.Szerkesztette Molnár Judit, Nonprofit
Társadalomkutató Egyesület,
Nagy Péter Tibor: Fiatal diplomások a rendszerváltás
előtt és után. /Young graduates of higher education before and after the change
of regime/, In:A társas szociológus. Tanulmányok Somlai
Péter 70. születésnapjára. ELTE Társadalomtudományi Kar – ELTE Eötvös
Kiadó. Szerk: Aczél Ágnes, Rényi Ágnes, Vásárhelyi Mária,Gellériné
Lázár Mária, Kain Péter.222-236.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Donáth Péter: A magyar
művelődés és a tanítóképzés történetéből (1868-1958), Kritika .
Társadalomelméleti és kulturális lap,
2009. (38. évf.) 2. sz. 36-37.
Nagy Péter Tibor: Szocializáció és nemzet. Szabó
Ildikó: Nemzet és szocializáció. A politika szerepe az identitások
formálódásában Magyarországon 1867-2006. /Socialization and nation. On the
study by Ildikó Szabó, The role of
politics in the formation of identities in
costs should be detailed as below.
table corresponds to "Resources - Table 1" contained in Annex I to
the Grant agreement and it is needed to monitor the budget consumption of your
project. Consequently, please complete the table below in 2 stages:
Start with encoding the actual costs in the columns corresponding to the
present and past (if necessary) reporting period/s. For example, if you are
preparing the report of Period 1 you will input the costs incurred in the
column "months 1-18" or "months 1-9".
Complete the table with a provisional budget allocation for each remaining
keep in mind that the total must always match the Max EU contribution as set in
art. 5 of the grant agreement.
carry-forward of unused funds from, for example, period 1 to period 2 is of
course possible but explanations for relevant deviations (over or under
spending) and re-allocation in between
budget categories should be given in Chapter 1 "project management".
For a single
beneficiary project the beneficiary should submit the financial statement using
the template provided. If special clause
10 applies to your Grant Agreement, please also include a separate
financial statement from each third party as well.
For a
multi-beneficiary project, the principal beneficiary should submit a separate
financial statement from each beneficiary (if Special Clause 10 applies to your
Grant Agreement, please include a separate financial statement from each third
party as well) together with a summary financial report which consolidates the
claimed Community financial contribution of all the beneficiaries in an aggregate
form, based on the information provided in the Financial Statement by each
When applicable,
certificates on financial statements shall be submitted by the concerned
beneficiaries according to Article II.4.5 of the single beneficiary grant agreement,
or Article
II.4.6 of the
multi-beneficiary grant agreement.
Please make sure that
you use the correct form corresponding to your project. Templates for the
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List of Certificates which are due for this period, in accordance with Article II.4.5 of the single beneficiary Grant Agreement and Article II.4.6 for the multi beneficiary grant agreement.
Beneficiary |
Certificate on the financial statements Provided? |
useful comment,
in particular if a certificate is not provided |
A copy of each duly signed certificate on the financial statements or on the methodology should be included in this section, according to the table above (signed originals to be sent in parallel by surface post).
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ERCEA pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals
with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions
and bodies. Data providers are entitled to obtain access to their personal data
on request and to rectify any such data that is inaccurate or incomplete. We hope that all staff members in ERC-funded projects will be willing to support this effort. |
We have had no PhD or post-doctoral students active
in the project.
[1] All relevant Documents should be directed to:
[2] Name of the contact person or authorised representative, as identified in the Grant Agreement and/or underlying documentation
[3] According to the
art.180.2 of the IR and the art II.4.5 of the ERCGA, a Certificate on the Financial
Statements (CFS) is
mandatory for every claim (interim or final) in the form of reimbursement of
costs whenever the amount of the Community financial contribution is equal or
superior to EUR 375,000 (cumulative total of all previous payments for the same
project for which a CFS has not yet been submitted). Once a CFS is submitted,
the threshold of EUR 375,000 applies again for subsequent Community financial
contributions but the count starts from 0. In case of a multibeneficiary grant agreement
(special clause 30) this threshold is to be applied per beneficiary. In case of
a third party linked to the beneficiary (special clause 10) the threshold of €
375 000 is calculated as the sum of costs of the beneficiary and the third